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HostBluff Warning : SEO Hosting

Attention all HostBluff Customers,

We have just gotten off of the telephone with the owners of http://shamelesshosts.com/, they report that they will be featuring us on their webpage if we dont remove our new SEO Hosting Plans. They stated that they are issuing a warning to ALL SEO hosts that they will be featured if they continue to scam their customers. HostBluff is not worried about this because we know that we are a scam, other SEO hosts may want to act fast.

2 Responses to “HostBluff Warning : SEO Hosting”

  1. Mike

    A heads up that ShamlessHosts.com is not loading currently.

    April 21st, 2012 Reply
    • admin

      Sorry, would help if I could spell. Due to budget cuts, we are not educated around here

      April 21st, 2012 Reply