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HostBluff Files For IPO

Attention All HostBluff Customers,

Through careful research we have learned that one of the largest sources of public corruption is in the US stock market. People are getting richer at the cost of making other people poorer. We have determined that this perfectly matches the culture of HostBluff. Effective immediately, HostBluff is pleased to announce that we have officially filed for an IPO status to allow for public trading, We will soon be listed as SCAM in the US Stock Market.

We will be going to market with an affordable $5000.00 per share. We expect all customers to invest at least 50,000.00 to fund our fraudulent purchases.

One Response to “HostBluff Files For IPO”

  1. Ashley

    i have here 5billion to invest, when will the IPO status be active?

    May 9th, 2012 Reply