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All Servers Now have Retina Displays

Attention all HostBluff Customers,

In line with Apple, we have now added 1080 p Retina Displays to all of our servers. Fortunately they still have the same unreliable hardware inside that you have all grown to expect from HostBluff. Existing customers will not need to make any code changes to their existing sites as the servers will still remain powered off most of the day.


And just for fun, we changed the shape of the power port for no good reason

5 Responses to “All Servers Now have Retina Displays”

  1. Constantinos Coudounaris


    June 12th, 2012 Reply
  2. Testtube302

    Thanks this update couldn’t of came at a better time. Keep up the great work!

    June 12th, 2012 Reply
  3. Dave

    Will this help the servers go down faster? I’ve noticed that lately, they seem to be staying up for an awfully long time. Earlier this week I noticed an uptime cross the hour mark.


    June 13th, 2012 Reply
    • KMyers

      We should not have a problem with uptime. Since we changed the shape of our power plugs we cannot plug the servers in. We are awaiting the power adapter from NewEgg. So all servers should down for at least another 48 hours.

      June 13th, 2012 Reply
  4. Ashley


    June 15th, 2012 Reply