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HostBluff Disables FTP Access

Attention All HostBluff Customers,

Due to the constant threat of FTP based attacks, we are shutting down FTP access to all of our servers. From this point on, you will now need to follow the instructions below to upload new files to your hosting account

1) Save everything to 1 or more 5 1/4 inch floppy disk drives

2) Insert into padded envelope

3) Insert $500.00 per floppy disk into the envelope (Small, unmarked bills only)

4) Affix proper postage

5) “Upload” the envelope to your nearest post office

6) Allow 2-94 weeks for the content to be uploaded to our servers

4 Responses to “HostBluff Disables FTP Access”

  1. Prisoner 47792

    I have one question,

    I am fine with sending my $500 and waiting 2-94 weeks. I trust you guys and all. My question is will you be able to return the floppy disk back to me?
    Those things do not come cheap for me these days.

    May 1st, 2012 Reply
    • admin

      Unfortunately we cannot return floppy disks, in fact we most likely will implement a new policy in 3 weeks which would negate the need. Were thinking homing pigeons

      May 1st, 2012 Reply
  2. Oblivious_Customer

    Darn it!

    There is one huge problem with this…………..and that is I do not have any floppy disks that will fit inside an envelope! The only floppy drives I have are the 8″ IBM ones.

    Do you accept those shipped in a box through UPS?

    May 1st, 2012 Reply
    • admin

      It needs to be 5 1/4 inch

      May 1st, 2012 Reply